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72 Schaller, G.B. The deer and the tiger. Univ. Chicago Press, 1967.

73 Kiley-Worthingtan, M. k, S. de la Plain. The Behaviour of Beef Suckler Cattle. Verlag Birkhauser, Basel, 1983.

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81 Cannon, W.B. Bodily changes in pain, hunger and rage. N.Y., Appleton, 1929.

82 Campbell, W.E. Behaviour problems in dogs. Amer. Vet. Publ. Santa Barbara, 1975.

83 Kiley-Worthington, M. DPhil theseis, University of Sussex. Some displays of ungulates, canids & felids with particular reference to causation. 1969

84 Bostock, S. Ethical Justification for xoos. DPhil thesis, University of Glasgow, 1988.

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92 Erlich, P.R., Erlich, A.H., A Holdren, J.P. Ecoscience. Population, resources and environment. W.H.Freeman, San Francisco, 1977.

93 Kiley-Worthington, M. Food First Ecological Agriculture. In press, 1990.

94 Cregier, E.E. Horse breakers, tamers and trainers in Advances in Animal Welfare Science 1986-87. Ed. M.W. Fox and LD. Mickley, Martinus Nijoff,      Boston, 1987.

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116 Sinclair, E.R.R. The social organisation of the East African buffalo in The behaviour of ungulates and its relation to management. Eds. Geist &        Walther, IUCN, Morge, pp 676- 689, 1974.

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120 Althaus, T. A code of ethics for circus animal training? in Living together. People, animals and the environment. Delta Society, Boston, 1986.

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122 Shumaker. Small is Beautiful. Abacus, 1980.

123 Odum, E.P. Fundamentals of Ecology. W.B. Saunders, London, 1971.

124 Int. Federation of Organic Agricultural Movements symposium publications, 1986 8c 1988.

125 Shoard, M. The theft of the countryside. Temple Smith, 1980.

126 Fumess, R.W., and Manyihan, P. Seabird Ecology. Blackie, Glasgow, 1987.

127 Wood-Gush, D. Personal communicatian.

128 Kiley-Worthington, M. Okologische ethologie und Ethic der Tierhaltung in Theorische und Praktische Grundlagen fur die Biologische        Landwirtschaft. Eds. H.Sambraus 8r. E. Boehncke, pp35-56. Verlag C.F. Muller, Karlsruhe, 1988.

129 Tattersall, F. The effects of environmental complexity on the behaviour of captive leopards (Panthera pardus). UFAW student report. 1988.

130 113 Man, animals and the environment. Delta Soc., Boston, 1986.

131 Kiley-Worthington, M. The social organisation of a small captive group of eland, oryx and other antelope with analysis of personality profiles. Behav.        LXVI, p32-55, 1978.

132 Jenison, H. Evolution of the brain and intelligence. Academic Press, London, 1973.

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135 Passmore, J. Mans responsibility for nature. Charles Scribners Sons, N.Y., 1974.

136 Attfield, R. The ethics of environmental concern. Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 1983.

137 Stolba, A. and Wood-Gush, D. Verhaltensgliederung und Reaction auf Neurreise als ethologische Kriterien zuer Beurteiliung in Angewandte Ethologie        bei Haustieren. K.T.B.L, Damstadt, 1981.

138 UFAW. Alternatives to intensive husbandry systems. Potters Bar, 1981.

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