Animal Rights & the
Future of the Pet Industry
(Presentation via Power Point) |
Rights & the Future of the Pet Industry
Chris Newman
Reptile & Exotic Pet Trade association
3rd OATA Conference
November 13th and 14th
the Royal Court Hotel, Coventry
I have been given thirty minutes to outline the threats posed to pet keeping and trade by the Animal Rights industry. Some of you may be surprised at the term industry, but that's exactly what it is - and a highly lucrative one at that.
I have just thirty minutes, but in reality in thirty hours I could barely scratch the surface, so this will be something of a whirlwind tour.
Many of the leading protagonists are not charitable organisations; they are businesses, limited companies. For example, Animal Aid is a multi-million-pound company and IFAW is a company with a turnover of some 25 million pounds, although to be fair it does also have a charitable arm. I'm not sure what this does, presumably raise more money!
To prevent suffering and cruelty to
A human responsibility that encompasses
all aspects of animal well-being, including proper
housing, management, disease prevention and treatment,
responsible care, humane handling and, when necessary,
humane euthanasia.
(as defined by the American Veterinary
Medical Association)
I will endeavor to define Animal Welfare,as opposed to Animal Rights, but things are not as straightforward as they may at first seem. AR covers a very broad spectrum.
Animal Welfare is, I would suggest, best quantified as the following:
"To prevent suffering and cruelty to animals."
To further define it here I have included a definition from the American Veterinary Medical Association.
To end all human "exploitation" of animals.
Animal Rights is a philosophical view that animals have rights similar or the same as humans. True animal rights proponents believe that humans do not have the right to use animals at all.
As I said Animal Rights
is a very broad church, worshiped by a varied congregation.
There are, no doubt, many
moderates who are most likely animal welfarists at heart rather
than actual rightists. At the other end of the scale there are
the fundamentalists who think Genghis Khan was too liberal!
I think the definition
of AR philosophy is simple:
"To end all human
exploitation of animals"
What is less clear is what
defines exploitation!
AR Objectives
but not limited to: ending, raising and slaughtering
of livestock for human or animal consumption, hunting,
using animals for medical or veterinary research,
zoos, circuses, horse racing, animal shows, performing
animals, guide-dogs for the blind, police dogs,
search & rescue dogs, and the practice of
pets/companion animals |
So what is exploitation?
Raising and slaughtering of livestock for consumption, hunting, using animals for medical or veterinary research, zoos, circuses, animal shows horse racing, & performing animals are all considered exploitation.
But increasingly on the agenda is keeping of pets.
Animal Aid, for example, is happy to publicly state their opposition to pet keeping -
"We don't agree with pet keeping"
"Pets aren't a good idea"
"They become slaves to their owners"
Who's against the Pet Industry
Animal Aid
There are literally hundreds of organisations which are either overtly, or covertly AR orientated.
They cover a broad spectrum, from Animal Aid the
self proclaimed largest AR group in the UK, to the RSPCA which now has clear AR philosophy, I would suggest.
The organisations listed here are some, but not all the key players. All of these organisations are opposed to the pet trade and pet keeping.
All of these organisations also have very close links with each other. Networking is the key to the success of the AR Industry.
Animal Aid claims to be the UK's largest animal rights group, with over 20,000 supporters, and one of the longest established in the world.
They claim to peacefully protest against all forms of animal abuse and promote a cruelty-free lifestyle, to investigate and expose animal cruelty.
It claims to be an entirely peaceful organisation that denounces the use of violence, but an incident back in 2001 appears to link Animal Aid with threats of violence and firebombing against a venue that was prepared to allow an animal show to take place.
In terms of AR organisations Animal Aid is the most proactive against the pet trade and pet keeping.
From Animal Aid web site:
Following a 3-year campaign by Animal Aid, Focus Do It All stores have ceased selling animals, it continues -
The corporation first promised to wind down its pet departments in July 2003 and two years later, we have finally received official confirmation that the phase out is complete!
Focus' Corporate PR Manager letter dated 25 April 2005 reads:
"I can confirm that livestock sales ceased on the 10th September 2004."
Again from Animal Aid web site:
Following a 16-month campaign by Britain's largest animal rights group Animal Aid, Wyevale Garden Centers has announced a new policy decision to stop selling live animals in its stores.
Says Andrew Tyler, Animal Aid Director:
"So far, there is no announcement to phase out the sale of ornamental fish, by concessionaires operating within the company's stores. Animal Aid will be pressing Wyevale to stop these sales too. After all, fish are animals and are deserving of the same level of care and consideration"
Animal Aid's views on pets
……We don’t agree with pet-keeping..…….
In the long-term pets are not a good idea.
They become slaves to their owners. Animal Aid's ultimate goal is an end to pet keeping. |
The October issue of
Pet Business World covered the recent pull out of pets by
If you havent
read the article you most certainly should! However, here
are just some of the key points from Kelly Slade campaigns
officer for Animal Aid.
So, Focus down, Wyevale,
down - whos next? Notcutts next as suggested?
I suspect not.
Obviously the major
prize would be Pets at Home, which some of you may think is
an impossible target. I recall other erstwhile purveyors of
pets saying just that, so I remain pragmatic.
A brief look at some
of the other players.
CAPS, Captive Animal
Protection Society.
Another limited company,
although recently formed a charitable arm, which I suspect will
be a growing trend.
CAPS are largely perceived
as being against circuses and zoos, but are equally involved
in anti pet keeping campaigns.
They are currently leading
the campaign against the NIRAH project.
Animal Protection Agency, APA.
This is a splinter group from Animal Aid, run by the delightful Elaine Toland, former senior campaigns officer for Animal Aid.
Its prime agenda is the pet trade. They are politically very active as you can see from the front page of their web site.
APA is linked to many dubious organisations such as SARC.
IFAW, International
Fund for Animal Welfare, a global organisation. This is largely
seen as a cuddly welfare organisation, but in fact they have
huge political influence.
IFAW also has huge
financial clout. On the matter of links, Dr Richard Ryder,
member of the Ruling Council of the RSPCA is also parliamentary
consultant to the Political Animal Lobby, PAL, which is a
wholly owned subsidiary of IFAW.
In 1997 PAL donated
over a million pounds to the Labour party. PAL is is run by
Angela Beveridge, sister of the late Labour Lord Tony Banks.
After successfully
lobbying for the hunting ban, IFAW is looking with interest
at the pet industry.
The Royal Society for
the prevention of Cruelty to Animals, RSPCA, is the oldest animal
welfare organisation in the world, founded in 1824.
The RSPCA has huge financial
resources; the charity has an income of around 100 million pounds
annually and assets of over 160 million big money!
It is unarguable that
the RSPCA does some good work, however, over the last 20 or
so years the charity has lost its way, I would suggest.
The RSPCA is an organisation
driven by prosecutions, which are taken for financial &
political objectives. My view is that all RSPCA prosecutions
are unsafe and ultimately they must be forced to work through
an independent prosecuting authority.
It would be my suggestion
today that the RSPCA be renamed the Royal Society for
the Persecution of Animal Keepers
A letter sent to every Local
Authority in England dated 5th November 1999
RSPCA is opposed to the sale of animals from
pet shops. |
In 1999 the RSPCA wrote
to every Local Authority in England a Wales, stating:
"The RSPCA is
opposed to the sale of animals from pet shops
The RSPCA have subsequently
denied this is policy, yet despite persistent calls from them
to retract this letter they have refused to do so.
All they have offered
is carefully worded letters of explanation to imply this was
a mistake and not policy.
However, their own
Policy Document also states their opposition to the sale of
animal from pet shops, garden centers et al.
General Principles:
believes that, where there is doubt about whether or not animals
are suffering, the benefit of the doubt must always be given to
the animal. |
On the subject of the
Policy Document, a couple of years ago it was suggested that
I read it as I might find it interesting!
I asked for a copy, to
be told they didnt have one! I was initially told it was
out of print and the given a multitude of other reasons why
I couldnt have one.
In the end I was invited
to a meeting at Horsham where I was shown a copy, actually just
the cover, but told I could not have a copy nor could I read
This quote is the general
principles upon which the RSPCA work; I would suggest this statement
clearly places animal rights above that of human rights!
RSPCA Policies
4.1.1 The RSPCA
is opposed to the use of animals for education where distress
or suffering is likely to be caused.
4.2.1 The RSPCA
strongly discourages the keeping of animals in schools.
4.2.2 The RSPCA
believes that small invertebrates (mini beasts) should be studied
in their natural habitats in preference to the classroom.
4.5.1 The RSPCA
does not support visits to animal-related venues which increase
stress levels or cause unnecessary disturbance to animals.
The animals' welfare must remain paramount.
For the sake of brevity
I shall not dwell in detail on the various policies now, but
I have just highlighted a few that I find of concern, although
there are many to choose from.
Recently the RSPCA
have been forced to make the document publicly available from
their web site.
The 64 page document
makes an interesting read, I would urge you all
to do so thoroughly.
Having read the document
cover to cover, many times, it is my opinion this is a Policy
of Animal Rights, not Animal Welfare. There is clear opposition
to pet keeping and the pet trade:-
animals do not generally make good pets As we can define
the aquarium as a cage then that includes fish!
WithCare' A look at the exotic animal pet trade.
'A disingenuous look at
the exotic pet trade' would have been a more appropriate title! |
At the launch of this
report, which incidentally should have been entitled a
disingenuous look at the exotic pet trade, I was ejected from
the press conference that I attempted to gate crash by RSPCA
Superintendent Tim Wass.
We stood in the streets
having verbal fisticuffs for a couple of hours, until eventually
Tim said Why are we arguing? We agree on more things
that we disagree.
It was suggested that
we enter into a Memorandum of Understanding to work together
to improve welfare of reptiles.
The MoU was proposed
by the RSPCA, drafted by their legal department, but the Ruling
Council refused to allow the inspectorate to sign it - no
explanation was given!
In a Meeting with the REPTA held at RSPCA
HQ on Friday 4 February, 2005
I asked for confirmation, if at all
possible, that 18 members of Council were members of Animal Aid.
I suggested there is much circumstantial evidence that the RSPCA
were following their direction. John Rolls refused to deny this,
further stating that the trustees are there to represent the Society
and if they were also members of Animal Aid it did not represent
a conflict of interest.
Shortly after the rejection of the MoU,
REPTA met with senior RSPCA personnel at the headquarters in Horsham.
I asked John Rolls [Director of Animal Welfare Promotion] if he
would confirm or deny that 18 out of the 25 members of the Ruling
Council were members of Animal Aid!
His response, far from denial,
was it doesnt matter if they are; its not a conflict
of interest
Why do I think this is such a critical issue?
members, as charity trustees, are legally responsible for the effective
use of the Societys resources in accordance with the objects
of the RSPCA and also for providing leadership and direction in
all the affairs of the Society.
Earlier I mentioned
networks, or associations, of AR organisations. A group local to myself
is SARC, Southern Animal Rights Coalition, a regional, but very proactive
Like most groups SARC campaign/act against a variety of issues,
recently focusing on pets.
They also campaign against vivisection,
experimentation, furs and are very proactive in releasing wild boar
from farms.
Their interests in pets started with supporting the Animal
Protection Agencys campaign against pet fairs, or rather bird
Headlines to this story are:
rights activists spared jail
The Daily Telegraph Friday 18th August
Four animal rights extremists who stole hundreds of birds,
rodents, rabbits and dogs from an animal breeder were today spared
The background to this is becoming not an uncommon occurrence.
The AR fundamentalists decided it was inappropriate for the pet shop
owner, Mr Porter, to continue in business at his licensed pet shop,
so they stole his breeding stock!
The court heard that "prime
mover and organiser" Sarah Whitehead, a nurse, was informed
by friends linked with the RSPCA in May last year that animals were
being kept in poor conditions, with insufficient water and food.
I understand subsequently the RSPCA have denied any knowledge!
Activists |
Mann is a British animal rights campaigner, believed to be a senior Animal Liberation
Front activist. He was first jailed 1992 in connection with an attack on the home of a fox hunter.
In 1994, he was sentenced to 14 years in jail
for possession
of explosive substances, incitement, criminal
damage, criminal damage, and escape from custody.
Moving on from organisations lets look
at a couple of activists so we can understand the kind of people
Keith Mann was described by a judge as a ruthless
fanatic when he was sentenced in the mid-1990s to a 14-year
jail sentence for a terrorist-style campaign of sabotage against
the meat and poultry trade.
Back in 2004 after I acquired a copy
of the RSPCA Policy Document, at the same time someone made a web site
of it, but naturally I have no idea who!!
In response a gentleman,
who I cannot name, from an organisation which I cannot name, posted
my home address on a web site. Within 24 hours animals kept in my
garden had been killed. It is thought Mr Mann may well have some
knowledge of this and some of the other six incidents at my home.
History Associations of Mr Mann
His cause was taken up by celebrities
such as TV playwright Carla Lane and 1960s model Celia Hammond.
He was recaptured 10 months later at a cat sanctuary run by Ms Hammond
in East Sussex, where he was working as a helper under an assumed
Ms Hammond also pleaded on Manns behalf at his appeal
hearing when his sentence was reduced the following year.
Hammond is a long serving member of the RSPCA Ruling Council.
Mr Mann was
recaptured after ten months on the run, when he was found working
at a cat sanctuary in East Sussex under an assumed name.
The sanctuary
was operated by Celia Hammond, a member of the RSPCA Ruling Council!
Ms Hammond pleaded on Manns behalf at this court hearing, as
I recall describing him as a thoroughly decent chap!
Ms Hammond is
still a member of the RSPCA Ruling Council, from which I can only
conclude that the RSPCA consider it appropriate for Council members
to support terrorists of this nature!
Activists |
Robin Webb runs the Animal Liberation Press Office in the UK. He was previously a member of the ruling council of the RSPCA and a director
of Animal Aid.
Webb acted in the role
of Press Officer while he was serving on the ruling council of the RSPCA, only resigning after it became public knowledge.
Robin Webb acted as spokesperson for the ALF while serving on the Ruling Council of the RSPCA.
He only resigned after it became public knowledge.
Today Webb still runs the Animal Liberation Press Office.
In a Channel 4 Dispatches program, Webb appeared to offer advice on how to make a bomb. The film makers had secretly filmed Webb holding meetings with an individual who told Webb he wanted to arrange a bombing, but who was in fact working undercover for the production team.
Moving on: Association of Lawyers for Animal Welfare
mission is to:
Harness the interest of many lawyers in animal
Use a range of law-related techniques to secure more
favorable interpretation and better enforcement of existing animal protection
Secure more comprehensive and effective laws, based on a
coherent philosophy.
ALAW was founded by several serving members of
the RSPCA ruling council and I would suggest exploits legal loopholes
to further RSPCA objectives. For example, the recent Judicial Review
against Pet Fairs. The AR Industry had always declined to fund such
an action, so funds were procured from the public pocket via Legal Aid.
The Associated Parliamentary Group for Animal Welfare,
APGAW is an all party group for MPs and Peers with an interest
in Animal Welfare. It is a very proactive group which meets regularly
to debate issues of animal welfare and to lobby government.
in principle a worthy organisation, but it is entirely funded and staffed
by the RSPCA.
My concern is that it has been unwilling to hear debates
that its funders do not want heard. For example, in March 2005 we were
to debate the issue of Pet Fairs, but after initially agreeing to the
debate the likes of Animal Aid all pulled out the week before,so APGAW
cancelled the meeting. A few months prior to this they showed no such
reticence when Birds First made an unchallenged presentation against
pet fairs.
The Future
Unless the pet
industry and keeping organisations recognise and respond to the threat:
Within a decade retailing of pets from pet shops will be consigned
to history -
Within 2 decades keeping of pets/ companion animals will be all
but extinct.
The Animal Welfare Bill completed its parliamentary path
earlier this month, becoming law in April 2007.
Unless pet keepers and
the pet industry recognises and starts to address the threat posed by
the Animal Rights industry within a decade the retailing of pets from
pet shops will be consigned to history.
Within two decades the keeping
of companion animals, pets, will be to all intents and purposes will
be finished.
If we ignore this threat, or treat it with the usual apathy,
we shall follow the plethora of other species into extinction.
What do we need to do!
We need to acknowledge and understand the threats posed by the AR Industry.
Keepers and industry, and industry associations must unite united
we stand, divided we fall.
We need to redress the political balance.
So what do we need to do? First and foremost we must acknowledge
the threat, not simply bury our heads in the sand and say it will
never happen - it will, it is!
We also need to be united, keepers,
traders and trade associations.
We need to redress the political imbalance,
under the Animal Welfare Act. Remember all codes of practice, which
underpin the Act, must be debated by parliament!
Those who oppose the
pet industry and pet keeping, RSPCA, IFAW, RSPB etc, all have political
lobbying departments. There are at least ten full time political lobbyists
opposed to our interests, whilst we have not one!
Our future is in our
hands. We have a duty of care to the animals which we keep, but we also
have a duty to safeguard future generations rights to keep pets.
Animal keeping is not a privilege it is a right, as it is our right
to be free.
Society can remove our rights, but only if we transgress
the law.
We cannot afford to allow the AR industry to dictate the law
or our rights. |
The Shg |
RSPCA Animadversion |
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